Malcolm Birks has been announced as the Labour candidate for Skipton and Ripon. The local architect, 48, lives in Skipton with his wife and two children. If elected, he promises to fight for a better deal for the working people of the region, citing the NHS, infrastructure, boosting the local economy and affordable housing as priorities.

Predictions by Electoral Calculus, based on nationwide polls and demographic data, show a 59% likelihood of a Labour win in Skipton and Ripon, with a 34.2% vote share compared to the Conservatives’ 29.4%.

At a more local level, the quantitative analysis and electoral modelling consultancy predicts 11 of the 18 wards in the constituency – including all of Skipton, Ripon and Settle – will elect a Labour MP.

The 4th July general election will be the second time Mr Birks has stood for the traditionally Tory seat, having gained second place for Labour for the first time ever in 2015. Growing up in Glusburn, he attended South Craven School. He volunteers as a junior cricket coach and is Chairman of Skipton Community Sports Hub, which serves 600 local children.

He said he had been inspired to stand again by Keir Starmer’s transformation of the Labour Party and the Labour leader’s powerful and credible plan to get the country back on its feet.

“I have friends and family who have genuinely struggled in recent years to see their GP, access scans or get timely NHS treatment at their local Airedale hospital, but very slow progress is being made on getting waiting lists down and on rebuilding work, despite the promises,” Mr Birks said.

“I see shops and restaurants closing, hollowing out our high streets and decimating local jobs, while not enough affordable homes are being created for local people. All around I see the results of 14 years of neglect, mismanagement and underinvestment.”

“If elected I will listen to local people and highlight the issues facing this region in Westminster. I feel we are a forgotten outpost, ignored by central government and policy makers, but I am optimistic we can change this and get our fair share of the investment in infrastructure.”

Mr Birks said the recent election of a Labour Mayor for York and North Yorkshire was another reason to feel hope that real change can be made in Skipton and Ripon. “David Skaith is bringing a new strategic direction and increased investment to our region – the first step in starting to sweep away decades of Tory hegemony across North Yorkshire,” he said.

Labour observers at the counts leading to David Skaith’s historic win in the inaugural York and North Yorkshire mayoral election, reported that samples from ballot boxes indicated Labour won the largest share of the vote in every ward in Skipton and the wider Craven area.

“This is a hugely important election and a chance to give Britain the change it so desperately needs. In our area, many people are struggling with the cost of living and with high mortgage payments brought about by the Tories crashing the economy and cutting public services. Only Labour can beat the Tories in Skipton and Ripon, so we can get the economy back on its feet and put the government once again in the service of working people,” Mr Birks concluded.

Malcolm Birks - Our Parliamentary Candidate
Malcolm Birks - Our Parliamentary Candidate
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