The Skipton and Ripon Women’s Group is composed of women members who wish to plan how we engage with women members in our Constituency Party as well as reaching out to women in our wider community.

The Group began at an event for Skipton & Settle Branch women members in April 2022 which was organised by the Branch Women’s Officer and where Chris Rose shared her experiences as a Craven District Councillor.

Since then the Group has created an impressive leaflet : ‘What Labour Does For Women’ which we have distributed at Constituency Party Street Stalls as well as when canvassing support and raising awareness on the doorstep.

We have also organised a second successful event where the Leader of Bradford Metropolitan District Council shared her experience with Constituency women members.

The Women’ Officer has, more recently, assumed additional responsibility within the Constituency Party and has reached out to women members in Ripon Branch ; a few have formed another nucleus for activity. Both Labour Women’s Groups have joined to plan our next event for Constituency women members as well as planning a new leaflet to use in the coming General Election.

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